How to Write an Effective Product Listing

How to Write an Effective Product Listing

A product listing can either prompt greater interest in a product or depress it. The E-Commerce User Experience Study by the Nielsen Norman Group found that 20 percent of purchasing failures online are a result of unclear information in the product listing. As a business, it is important to create a clear and compelling perception of your products on each listing page to boost professionalism and avoid losing potential consumers. To do this effectively, there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration.

The approach that your specific company should take regarding product listings is highly dependent upon the consumer audience, the product type and your brand persona. For instance, a new trendy clothing brand aimed at young adults will pursue a very different approach than an e-store selling automobile parts to mechanics. The style, format and content of each listing can differ slightly from business to business when such factors are considered.

Despite these potential differences, there are universal concepts and tips that can be applied to every product listing to ensure a solid foundation for your business.


Product Images

This is the first thing that a consumer will see when considering a product, even before they decide to click on it. Depending on the product, there should be roughly 2-6 images in total. If the product being sold is a car, for instance, multiple pictures of the front, back, sides, top and interior may be necessary. Conversely, if the product is merely a pair of jeans or a t-shirt, 2-3 images could suffice.

The quality of the picture itself is often thought by consumers to be an indicator of actual product quality. Avoid unusual angles, dark lighting or distracting backgrounds. The first image to be shown, or the “main” image, should provide a clear look at the product itself, preferably facing forward. For more complex products, a visual diagram of the product with labels and measurements can also be very helpful.


Product Title

When deciding on a title for your product listing, creating a standard format not only improves efficiency, but also eases the process in which consumers search for products. For example, the standard order of the title could be manufacturer, model and then size, or it could be brand, type and then color. Choosing keywords to put in the title about the model, brand or type of product optimizes search results and eases the process in which consumers browse even further.

The length of the title will also impact it’s selectability; the title must be concise yet specific. If it’s too long, then the full title won’t be able to fit on the browsing page, but if it’s too short, then the viewer won’t know enough about the product. To avoid being lengthy or repetitive, try to minimize your use of conjunctions, such as “and” or “for”, in the product title.


Product Description

Once the consumer has developed a definite interest in the product, the product description validates that interest and persuades them to follow through with a purchase. To achieve this, the description needs to briefly summarize all uses and features, as well as utilize keywords and phrases that will draw the reader’s attention. For example, rather than saying “The jacket is waterproof,” you could say “The soft, versatile jacket is made from 100% water resistant material.” The style of writing and word choice in the description should reflect the brand persona you are trying to portray. Is it friendly? Informational? Funny?

Refrain from writing more than 5-10 sentences in order to keep the reader’s attention. (Save the details for the product information section). Bullet points can also be used to create the appearance of a concise description and emphasize important features. To further optimize search results, your description should mention the specific product name multiple times throughout.


Product Information

This section should include specifics, such as size, weight and color, and provide the consumer with a clear understanding of the product’s appearance and function. If your business operates on an international scale, the specific measurements given in this section should be offered in various units of measurement to mitigate the need for conversion for the consumer. For more complex products, all technical information, such as operating speed and voltage capacity, should be included as well.

To create an effective product listing, the product images, title, description and information should be clear, informative and compelling. It is important to not only inform consumers about your product, but also give them a better understanding of your company as a whole