Toolots Attends Chinese-American Elected Officials 2018 Installation & Awards Dinner

Pictured – CEO Board of Directors

City Council Member and Vice President Chinese-American Elected Officials Board of Directors, Grace Hu, invited Toolots and Chief Executive Officer, Jason Fu, to attend the Chinese-American Elected Officials (CEO) 2018 Installation & Awards Dinner in Whittier, California.

Founded in 1997, CEO counts over 100 current and former elected officials in Los Angeles County. Their mission focuses on civic engagement, member education, and community outreach. From federal and state governments, to local city councils, education boards, and water districts, members serve in all rungs of public office.

The evening was spent celebrating and honoring current and former elected officials, including an inspiring speech by the first Chinese-American woman elected to Congress, Judy Chu. Current CEO President, Honorary Scarlett Kwong, provided welcome remarks and reinforced CEO’s mission and accomplishments. The evening concluded with the presentation of the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award. Recipient, Kim Toon Larry Wong was away on business, so his family accepted the award on his behalf. Kim Toon Larry Wong has spent over 60 years as an active Chinese-American community volunteer, leader, and mentor advocating the betterment of Chinese-Americans in America and overseas.

The Installation & Awards Dinner is a pleasant reminder of how involved Chinese-Americans are in supporting the community. We look forward to a successful year with the support of CEO.

Pictured – Toolots’ Chief Executive Officer, Jason Fu. CEO VP Board of Directors, Grace Hu

Pictured – Judy Chu (speaker)














To learn more about CEO, please visit their website or Facebook page.